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  • Music Teacher and 36 Other Post Exam via Direct Recruitment Conducted by DSSSB

    Event Status : Marks Released


Event Information

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment:

Post Name:

  1. Music Teacher

  2. Trained Graduate Teacher (Special Education Teacher)

  3. Publicity Assistant

  4. Photographer

  5. Surveillance Worker

  6. Laboratory Assistant

  7. Senior Scientific Assistant (Biology)

  8. Senior Scientific Assistant (Ballistics)

  9. Laboratory Assistant (Photo)

  10. Laboratory Assistant (Ballistics)

  11. Scientific Assistant (Biology)

  12. Laboratory Assistant (Biology)

  13. Scientific Assistant (Ballistics)

  14. Laboratory Assistant (Physics)

  15. Laboratory Assistant (Grade-IV)

  16. Assistant (OT/CSSD)

  17. Technician (OT/CSSD)

  18. Audiometric Assistant

  19. Technical Assistant (OT/CSSD)

  20. Assistant Security Officer

  21. Refractionist

  22. Occupational Therapist

  23. Radiographer

  24. Speech Therapist

  25. Assistant Dietician

  26. Physiotherapist

  27. Assistant Grade–III

  28. Junior PA (English)

  29. Statistical Assistant

  30. PGT (Agriculture)

  31. PGT (Fine Arts / Painting)

  32. PGT (Graphics)

  33. PGT (Sanskrit)

  34. Educational and Vocational Guidance Counselor (EVGC)

  35. PGT (English)

  36. TGT (Computer Science)

  37. Homeopathic Compounder

For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexure, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.


Important Dates

Check out all the important dates below:

Application Opening Date
Application Closing Date
Exam Date
06/02/2024, 07/02/2024, 08/02/2024, 12/02/2024, 13/02/2024, 14/02/2024, 15/02/2024, 16/02/2024, 17/02/2027, 18/02/2024
Result Available
04/07/2024, 18/06/2024
Date of Interview
06/09/2024, 26/09/2024

Recruitment Details

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board invites application for various posts. Total 1841 number of vacancy/vacancies have been announced in the notification. Applications are invited with reference to advertisement number 02/23. The minimum age limit is 18 and the maximum age limit ranges to 35, depending on the specific post. Please look at the Official Notification for the age limits mentioned for each post. Age relaxation will be given to the following categories: SC/ST Categories, Other Backward Classes, Person With Benchmark Disability, Ex-Servicemen, Government Servant/Departmental Candidate, Women, Widow and Divorced Women will be as per the government rules. Quota/Reservation will be provided to the following categories: Unreserved, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Sections, PWBD Quota and Ex-servicemen . The examination will be conducted through Offline, Online and Regional mode at Regional level. After compilation of all the procedures, the candidates will be posted at Delhi India 110085.

Post Wise Details

See all the detailed information related to the post given below:

Post Name
Music Teacher, Homeopathic Compounder, Post Graduate Teacher, Educational and Vocational Guidance Counselor, Junior Personal Assistant, Statistical Assistant, Assistant Security Officer, Refractionist, Occupational Therapist, Radiographer, Speech Therapist, Assistant Dietician, Physiotherapist, Technical Assistant, Technician, Audiometric Assistant, Assistant, Scientific Assistant, Surveillance Worker, Laboratory Assistant, Senior Scientific Assistant, Trained Graduate Teacher, Publicity Assistant, Photographer
Appointment Type
Examination, Direct Recruitment
Qualification Required
Graduation, Diploma, Intermediate, Matriculation, Postgraduation, Doctorate
Education, biology, Ballistics, English, Agriculture, Fine Arts, Sanskrit, Painting, Graphics, Photo, Physics, Computer Science
34725, 40773, 47043, 53148, 63378, 79053, 83508
Group B, Group C
Work Experience
DSSSB Laboratory Assistant, DSSSB Senior Scientific Assistant Biology, DSSSB TGT, DSSSB Speech Therapist, DSSSB Audiometric Assistant, DSSSB Publicity Assistant, DSSSB Laboratory Assistant Photo, DSSSB Junior PA English, DSSSB Surveillance Worker, DSSSB Laboratory Assistant Biology, DSSSB Refractionist, DSSSB PGT English, DSSSB Assistant OT or CSSD, DSSSB Lab Assistant Gr IV, DSSSB PGT Sanskrit, DSSSB PGT Graphics, DSSSB PGT Computer Science, DSSSB Laboratory Assistant Ballistics, DSSSB Occupational Therapist, DSSSB Senior Scientific Assistant Ballistics, DSSSB Radiographer, DSSSB Assistant Security Officer, DSSSB Assistant Grade II, DSSSB Technician OT or CSSD, DSSSB PGT Agriculture, DSSSB Assistant Dietician, DSSSB Technical Assistant OT or CSSD, DSSSB Homeopathic Compounder, DSSSB EVGC, DSSSB Photographer, DSSSB Statistical Assistant, DSSSB Physiotherapist, DSSSB PGT Fine Arts Painting, DSSSB Music Teacher

Apply/Application Details

Candidates can apply through Online mode. Applicants need to submit an Application Fee. The candidates can see further details on the official website https://dsssb.delhi.gov.in/.

Job History

Created Event

Music Teacher and 36 Other Post Exam via Direct Recruitment Conducted by DSSSB

Examination Schedule Released

Examination Schedule has been Released for the various posts on 08/01/2024 by DSSSB. Exam for the Various Posts will be held on 06/02/2024 to 18/02/2024.For more details refer the advertisement.

Information Regarding Marks of Candidates and E-dossiers

Marks of Candidates has been released for the Post of Publicity Assistant Photographer and Statistical Assistant. Candidates can view their marks by logging into their account in OARS module on www.dsssbonline.nic.inFor more details refer to Marks & E-dossier Notice attachment.

Result Declared of exam

Result has been Declared of exam for Junior Personal Assistant (English), Laboratory Assistant, Surveillance Worker, PGT (Fine Art and Painting) Post by DSSB.Qualified candidates has been shortlisted for skill test

Interview schedule released for Homeopathic Pharmacist and PGT (Graphics) post

Interview will be held on 06/09/2024 and 26/09/2024 for Homeopathic Pharmacist and PGT (Graphics) post

Skill test schedule released for Junior PA (English) post

Skill test will be held on 29/09/2024 for Junior PA (English) post

Marks Released

Marks has been Released for the Post of Assistant Grade-III on 27/09/2024 by DSSSB
