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  • Professor and 6 Other Post in IBPS via Direct Recruitment

    Event Status : Admit Card Link Activated for Deputy Manager - Accounts (Chartered Accountant) Post


Event Information

Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment:

Post Name:

  1. Professor

  2. Assistant General Manager (Information Technology)

  3. Research Associate

  4. Hindi Officer

  5. Deputy Manager - Accounts (Chartered Accountant)

  6. Analyst Programmer (ASP.NET)

  7. Analyst Programmer (PYTHON)

For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexure, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.


Important Dates

Check out all the important dates below:

Application Opening Date
Application Closing Date
Admit Card Release Date

Recruitment Details

Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection invites application for various posts. Applications are invited with reference to advertisement number IBPS/2024-25/01. The minimum age limit is 21 and the maximum age limit ranges to 55, depending on the specific post. Please look at the Official Notification for the age limits mentioned for each post. Age relaxation will be given to the following categories: SC/ST Categories will be as per the government rules. The examination will be conducted through Online and Offline mode at All India and Regional level. The selection process will include an Interview process. After compilation of all the procedures, the candidates will be posted at Mumbai Maharashtra India 400070.

Post Wise Details

See all the detailed information related to the post given below:

Post Name
Professor, Assistant General Manager, Research Associate, Hindi Officer, Analyst Programmer, Deputy Manager, Chartered Accountant
Appointment Type
Direct Recruitment, Examination
Qualification Required
Graduation, Doctorate, CA/CMA/CS, Postgraduation
Account, Information Technology, ASP.NET, Python
159100, 101500, 44900, 35400
Work Experience
IBPS Analyst Programmer Python, IBPS Research Associate, IBPS Deputy Manager Accounts, IBPS Analyst Programmer ASP Net, IBPS Hindi Officer

Apply/Application Details

Candidates can apply through Online and Offline mode. Applicants need to submit an Application Fee. The candidates can see further details on the official website https://www.ibps.in/.

Job History

Created Event

Professor and 6 Other Post Exam in IBPS via Direct Recruitment

Admit Card Released for Research Associate Post

Admit Card has been released for Item writing Exercise, Group Exercises , Personal Interview for Research Associate Post on 10/05/2024 by IBPS. Candidates can download your admit card from 10/05/2024 to 28/05/2024.

Admit Card Link Activated for Deputy Manager - Accounts (Chartered Accountant) Post

Admit Card Link has been Activated for Deputy Manager - Accounts (Chartered Accountant) Post by IBPS
