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  • Project Associate-I and 2 Other Post in CSIR IIIM via Direct Recritment

    Event Status : Shortlisted candidates List Released for Interview


Important Dates

Application Closing Date
Application Opening Date

Other Important Information

Appointment Type
Direct Recruitment
Application Submission Method
Age Limit
Qualification Required
Postgraduate, Graduate
Total Vacancies
Advertisement Number
Location of Posting/Admission
Jammu District, Jammu and Kashmir, India, 181201
25000, 31000, 42000, 28000, 35000
Post Type
Place of Posting/Admission
Age Relaxation Type
SC/ST, Other Backward Class, Person with Benchmark Disabilities, Widow, Divorced Women
Work Experience
Organisation Type
Non-Educational Institution
Application Link
https://forms.gle/zuahRPoAA8mcdJH87, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiHaIlXq7CZtKdfS43rQfQZujRZnHOvVxFxq1W1ythmPfEzA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0, https://forms.gle/x9Zxh1wdyVoe5whZ7, https://forms.gle/799BwcSWCurZ1KvR9, https://forms.gle/3oto62EXzkkgPhBE9, https://forms.gle/GjuDowwoJgyGnnb88

Note: This information is common for all posts. For details on specific posts, refer to the official notification.

Posts Released

1. Senior Project Associate
2. Project Associate-I
3. Project Associate-II

Important Updates

Refer to the official notification for more details.

Application Summary

CSIR Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine has released job notifications for 3 posts, including Senior Project Associate, Project Associate-I, and others. Interested candidates can apply from 04/08/2023 to 13/08/2023. Download the official notification for details on eligibility, post information, job procedure, pay scale, and more.

CSIR Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment:

Post Name: Project Associate-I

Essential Qualification:

  • M. Sc. in Chemistry from a recognized University or equivalent.

  • M.Sc. in any discipline of Life Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent. Or

  • B.Tech. in Biotechnology from a recognized University or equivalent.

  • M.Sc./M.Pharm/M.S. in Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent.

  • M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent. Or BE/B.Tech. in Chemical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent.

  • M.Sc. in Computer Science/IT or B.Tech. in Computer Science/IT from a recognized University or equivalent.


  • Experience in synthesis of small molecules for preparation of compound libraries. Isolation of natural products from plants or other natural sources.

  •  Experience in Molecular Biology will be preferre

  • Research Experience in the organic synthesis will be preferred.

Post Name: Project Associate-II

Essential Qualification:

(i) M.Sc./M.Pharm/M.S. in Chemistry from a recognized university or equivalent; and

(ii) 2 years experience in Research and development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services.

Desirable: Experience in process optimization and scale up will be preferred.


Post Name: Senior Project Associate

Essential Qualification:

(i) M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent.; and

(ii) Four years experience in Research and Development (R and D) in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology (S and T) Organizations and Scientific activities and services. OR

(iii) ME/M.Tech. in Chemical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent with two years experience in R and D in Industrial and Academic Institutions or S and T Organizations and Scientific activities and services. OR

(iv) Ph.D (Doctoral Degree) in Chemical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent.

For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexure, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.