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  • Project Associate-I and 3 Other Posts in CSIR IMMT Via Walk-In-Interview

    Event Status : Screening Result cum Interview schedule released for Project Associate-I (PC-7302) post


Important Dates

Result Available
10/10/2024, 22/10/2024, 29/10/2024, 20/11/2024, 28/11/2024, 29/11/2024
Date of Interview
07/10/2024, 16/10/2024, 18/10/2024, 21/10/2024, 22/10/2024, 11/11/2024, 19/11/2024, 20/11/2024
Application Closing Date
Application Opening Date

Other Important Information

Appointment Type
Direct Recruitment
Application Submission Method
Age Limit
Qualification Required
Graduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, Doctorate
Total Vacancies
Advertisement Number
Location of Posting/Admission
Khordha District, Odisha, India, 751055
28000, 42000, 20000, 31000, 25000
Post Type
Age Relaxation Type
Woman, SC/ST, Other Backward Class, Person with Benchmark Disabilities
Post Code
7301, 7307, 7308, 7309, 7305, 7306, 7310, 7311, 7312, 7313, 7314, 7315, 7316, 7317, 7318, 7319, 7320, 7321, 7322, 7323, 7324, 7325
Work Experience
Place of Posting/Admission
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Organisation Type
Non-Educational Institution
Vacancy Status

Note: This information is common for all posts. For details on specific posts, refer to the official notification.

Posts Released

1. Project Associate-I
2. Project Assistant-II
3. Senior Project Associate
4. Project Associate-II

Important Updates

Refer to the official notification for more details.

Application Released
Corrigendum Notice
Interview Schedule
Result Declared

Application Summary

CSIR Institute Of Minerals And Materials Technology has released job notifications for 4 posts, including Project Associate-I, Project Assistant-II, and others. Interested candidates can apply from 06/09/2024 to 20/09/2024. Download the official notification for details on eligibility, post information, job procedure, pay scale, and more.

CSIR Institute Of Minerals And Materials Technology invites applications for Project Associate-I and various posts.

Application Process: To apply, kindly fill out the provided application form with the necessary documents and send it to the following email: 

Last Date for Application: 20/09/2024

Mode of Application: Online

Email to send the Application: pkbaskey@immt.res.in, skbehera@immt.res.in, sharmisthabagchi@immt.res.in, sanjibdas@immt.res.in, nkdhal@immt.res.in, ssharmila@immt.res.in, ssharmila@immt.res.in, aishvarya@immt.res.in, pcbeuria@immt.res.in, mamata@immt.res.in, sony@immt.res.in, dpdas@immt.res.in, and eswar@immt.res.in

For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting, etc. refer to the given details and attachments below.