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  • UP NEET-2024

    Event Status : Online counselling resgistration start


Important Dates

Application Closing Date
Application Opening Date

Other Important Information

Admission Bases
Course Admission, Examination
Qualification Required
Medical, Science
Application Fee
Location of Posting/Admission
Lucknow District, Uttar Pradesh, India, 226012
Educational Credential Awarded
Degree, Diploma
Organisation Type
Non-Educational Institution
Place of Posting/Admission
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Merit List Released
Application Link

Note: This information is common for all posts. For details on specific posts, refer to the official notification.

Courses Released

1. Diploma
2. Doctor of Medicine
3. Master of Science
4. Master of Dental Surgery
5. Diplomate of National Board

Important Updates

Refer to the official notification for more details.

Application Summary

Directorate of Medical Education and Training Uttar Pradesh has released admission notifications for 5 programs, including Diploma, Doctor of Medicine, and others. Interested candidates can apply from 10/07/2024 to 15/07/2024. Download the official prospectus for details on eligibility, program information, admission procedure, fee structure, and more.

Directorate of Medical Education and Training Uttar Pradesh invites applications for UP NEET-2024

Application Process: To apply, kindly fill out the provided application form with the necessary documents and send it to the Official Website:

Exam Name: UP NEET
Last Date for Application: 15/07/2024
Mode of Application: Online

For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting, etc. refer to the given details and attachments below.